6 months 3 weeks

Pilots of unmanned aircraft or drones whose mass is 250g or more, shall be subjected to theoretical examination online, and drone operators shall be registered at the web page of the Civil Aviation Agency (CAA). That is an obligation enacted pursuant to the application of the new Regulation on conditions for operating unmanned aircraft systems and model aircraft.

Registration for legal entities and for natural persons is done online at web link https://dron.caa.me/

Training can be accessed at web link

https://www.caa.me/sites/default/files/teorijska_obuka_za_a1-a3.pdf (... OPŠIRNIJE

8 months 1 day

The regional cooperation of aviation authorities is at favoured level, and its intensification is particularly important for faster development in this area.

That is the evaluation of the directors of institutions competent for civil aviation in the States of the region, which has been provided just before today meeting of the ECAA Joint Committee on the establishment of a European Common Aviation Area that is taking place in Podgorica.

Director of the Civil Aviation Agency (CAA), Ivan Scekic hosted on 18 June this year Filip Cornelis, Director for Aviation – European Commission DG MOVE and colleagues from the agencies / directorates for civil aviation of the Republic of Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia.

The collocutors talked,... OPŠIRNIJE

8 months 1 day

Podgorica is hosting this year working meeting of the heads of aviation authorities, since the ECAA Agreement Joint Committee is taking place this week.

Montenegro is one of signatories of the ECAA Agreement – Multilateral Agreement on the establishment of a European Common Aviation Area, and Joint Committee is a body in charge for its implementation and for enabling regular application.

The European Commission (EC) and the Civil Aviation Agency (CAA) jointly organised the 3rd meeting of this important committee on 19 and 20 June 2024.

The Agreement is an important element in procedure of enlargement of the European Union (EU) and it is considered to be powerful asset for economic development of States.

The meeting is participated by the States signatories,... OPŠIRNIJE