5 months 3 weeks

On 18 March 2024, Ivan Scekic, MSc in Air Transport and Traffic Engineering, is appointed as the Acting Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro.

Mr. Scekic, as the Air Navigation Safety (ANS) Division Director, actively participated in work of the different safety and ATM/ANS bodies on national and international level: National Airspace Management Committee, EASA Technical Body, ICAO European Region Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG), ICAO EUR Search And Rescue Task Force, Regional Search and Rescue Advisory Committee (RASARAC), etc.

Pursuant to his empowerment, he is very well acquainted with civil aviation authority activities, both on internal and international level

6 months 2 weeks

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) conducted ATM/ANS standardisation inspection in the period between 20 February 2024 and 23 February 2024, with the objective to determine compliance with appropriate regulatory requirements of the European Union in Montenegro.


The inspection was conducted in premises of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, pursuant to provisions of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 628/2013 on working methods of the EASA, since the Agency is the National Supervisory Authority – NSA in Montenegro. The team of EASA assessors also visited units of Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency – SMATSA llc, that are located at Tivat airport and Podgorica airport, due to the fact that the SMATSA llc is air navigation... OPŠIRNIJE

9 months 1 day

The Civil Aviation Agency organised the workshop about Regulation on conditions for safely operating unmanned aircraft systems, for operators and pilots of unmanned aircraft on 5 December 2023 in Podgorica.

Presenters engaged, apart from the Civil Aviation Agency representatives, were:

Damir Bezik, inspector and head of the unmanned aircraft systems department of the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency

Ivan Kovacevic, unmanned aircraft systems operator in the Republic of Croatia,

Boris Markovic, operator and person that privately constructs unmanned aircraft in Montenegro and

Dragan Trifunovic, unmanned aircraft systems operator in Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia.

The workshop was participated by over 50 operators and pilots of unmanned... OPŠIRNIJE