Decision on conversion of national licences for aircraft maintenance into aircraft maintenance licences issued in accordance with Part 66 (Annex 1 - Conversion Report, Appendix 6 – Conversion Scenarios)
ICAO State action plan on reducing emissions in aviation (published on 19 October 2021)
Decision on identifying countries with security measures equivalent to security measures in Montenegro (the Decision is published on 18 January 2016)
Decision on detailed requirements for obtaining and registering ratings for conducting radio telephone communication and rating for special language
Decision on establishment of Commission for Civil Aviation Security Risk Assesment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 13/2016)
Amendment (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 33/21)
Decision on establishing the lists of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the airspace of Montenegro (the Decision was published on 15 June 2022)
Safety indicators (published on 22 March 2021)
Decision on changes in airspace structures (Decision published 22-January-2021)
National facilitation programme (published on 13 December 2021)
National Plan for Aviation Safety 2020-2024 (Fourth edition, 2021)
State safety programme (published on 05 April 2021)
List of banned items in hand and hold baggage of passengers
Decision on accepting a foreign Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation and Maintenance Organisation and foreign Approved Training Organisation (published on 29 March 2021)
Amendment (Decision No 02/1-348/21-400/2)