The Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Scekic, participated the 62nd session of the Provisional Council of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL), that took place on 28 November in Brussels.
During the meeting, Scekic emphasised the importance of sincere and continuing support to Montenegro, while expressing his thankfulness to the Director General (Raul Medina Caballero) and to the EUROCONTROL team for such approach.
The Agency Director emphasised active contribution, openness and constructive attitude regarding the technical support provided especially through STS platform in the areas of cybersecurity, U-space, but also in datalink which Montenegro successfully implemented in February this year.
Scekic also, inter alia, highlighted importance of operational coordination with the Air Traffic Control – SMATSA during the record season regarding performed flyovers, as well as overall commitment to providing support for benefits of aviation industry in our region.