Press Release

Lately, the Civil Aviation Agency has, in various ways, in a formal and informal manner, been confronted with numerous notifications and applications related to illegal activities in the field of civil aviation, in particular to those related to paragliding activities.

For a number of applications, it turned out, luckily, that they were false. However, regardless of the nature of the information, the Agency conducted regular and extraordinary checks as part of its regular monitoring activities which led to the initiation of proceedings against the responsible persons and aircraft operators.

Considering that an increase in the number of similar events can be expected to meet the upcoming summer season, in order to further increase the level of air traffic safety to a higher level, the Agency has started with increased intensity of supervision, especially in the mentioned area, with the implementation of criminal measures in situations when illegal There is evident evidence of activity.

We emphasize that in cases of using landing and landing surfaces for which no approval by the Civil Aviation Agency, non-compliance with regulatory requirements with respect to licensed personnel and requirements to be fulfilled by the organization, aircraft operators and persons directly endanger the safety of the flight, thereby endangering not only the safety their own, but also the lives of others.

Therefore, we invite all participants in air traffic, first of all, holders of air crew licenses and paragliders operators to fully comply with the legal requirements for dealing with this activity.