Strengthening safety of use of unmanned aircraft
Agreement on business-technical cooperation between the Civil Aviation Agency (CAA) and the Real Estate Administration will significantly improve safety and efficiency of use of unmanned aircraft systems in the airspace of Montenegro.
The Agreement, that is of importance for strengthening mutual cooperation, was today signed by the directors of the CAA and the Real Estate Administration, Ivan Scekic and Marko Bulatovic.
This presents an important step towards establishment of the system, which will ensure that the information on geographical zones for unmanned aircraft systems will be at disposal to the airspace users in uniform and standardised digital format, as well as that the information will be updated on regular and system basis.
Due to the fact that use of unmanned aircraft systems is getting more and more intensive, it is of particular importance to establish geographical zones for unmanned aircraft systems, as well as remote identification.
The Agreement also provides for joint activities in other areas that are within the competence of these institutions, while purporting professional and technical cooperation at the level of expertise.